The Gunas
Many people have their interpretations of yoga and how it applies to their life. Usually, in yoga teacher training, several topics are covered to enlighten the students or soon-to-be teachers about the history of yoga and how it penetrates us, especially on a metaphysical level. Some schools and teachers shy away from the esoteric foundation of yoga due to individual faiths. The separation of church and state does apply to the teachings of yoga. Still, the invitation welcoming all walks of life, any beliefs, any interpretation of the higher power is embedded in the philosophy of yoga.
There is no yogic ecclesia, and any practitioner is free to experience yoga in ways suitable for their needs. However, dissecting the concepts that innervate yogic theories may find one or many practitioners in an uncomfortable accountability position. Recognizing certain aspects or qualities may not sit pretty with some, which is ok. Accountability is precisely what yoga teaches us.
One concept in yoga philosophy recognizes we all have three qualities. In yogic terms, these qualities are called the Gunas. To take it a step further, allow me to give you a crash course in this concept. We are all born of matter but subjected to these three qualities: Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic.
Sattvic is a state of bliss, knowledge, happiness, contentment, pureness, embodies wisdom, unattached.
Rajasic is a state of passion, action, stimulation, desire, egoism, expectation.
Tamasic is a state of heaviness, solidity, procrastination, fear, obscurity, delusion.
So why do we attain these qualities? We are born from matter, and it is the universal way of showing us how to navigate through creation, personifying the qualities of ego.
Sattvic is about liberation and non-attachment. The Sattvic quality is about regulating who we are, what we do, why we do, and how to we do.
Rajasic is the intensity of achieving, accomplishing, and acquiring. Attachment sits at the top of the list, pushing our agendas.
Tamasic clouds our thoughts, dragging down the attachments and holding onto the ways of not getting things done.
Sharing a little information about the qualities gives people insight into our journeys and how to check ourselves mentally. What is it that you fear? Why are you acting a certain way? When and what is enough? What do you identify as bliss? Ultimately we would love to experience the full Sattvic quality, but we need the other two to recognize Sattvic energy.
Stay tuned for more information regarding the Gunas.