Watch this at-home video using blocks to support your flow. The blocks are optional but highly useful.

This can be done with or without blocks, and for the sake of this video, I employed two blocks to rest my forward. Butterfly Pose - English Baddha Konasana Sanskrit Meaning - Bound Angle Pose

This video offers three different types of triangle poses without a block (a block can be used are used in other videos). There are so many ways to do a triangle pose so it's important for you to explore your body and what best fits you.

The handle is something to use, and you can also use a TRX band or any other handle you feel comfortable using as long as it's sturdy. I'm demonstrating what I like to do for a quick stretch but I encourage you to be mindful if you decide to do these suggested movements for yourself.

3 Exercises consisting of:
🏋🏻♀️Squats 🚴🏻♀️Bicycle Crunches 🏉Football Run 20 Seconds Go 10 Seconds STOP 7 Rounds 3 Exercises

As always, before movement, make sure you have all your appropriate tools such as a good mat, blocks, strap, and/or bolster. In addition to props, this is a suggested practice that works for us. It is advised to consult your doctor before ever going straight into a movement session. Know your body and your parameters.