Yoga Therapy
With the expansion and recognition of mind-body connection, a growing number of practitioners worldwide are turning to yoga as therapy. The distinction between offering therapeutic sessions versus going to a yoga class, is the intention. Thus, with the intention, comes in the particulars of designing a specific program for clients and their needs. Not every one is the same and not every body is the same.
A certified yoga therapist goes through an extensive amount of training over the course of (minimal) two years, builds a team of trusted colleagues for input, stays within the scope of practice of the mind-body connection (unless the therapist has had additional clinical training), and intakes information about the client to develop a program designed specifically for the individual or group. It is important for the client to know their needs are really being address. As a yoga therapist, we adhere to a strict rule of standards and principles to offer up many forms of yoga, and to help the client integrate it into their life.
The yoga simplified method is an entry level system that will help enable you to dive deeper into your practice as well as develop a program best suited for your body’s needs.